Geo 4 Good 2021

TL;DR: Here is a GitHub Repository for those who just want to see Earth’s Changing Oceans html, CSS, and JavaScript. (Link) Or make a copy of the demonstrated Google Earth Project. (Link)

It is always great to share Google Earth Project ideas at Geo for Good Summits. This year’s presentation utilized Earth Web’s new tile features along with folders. I originally wanted to create a post on how the demonstrated Google Earth Project was created, but I thought it would be better to create a simple project that uses the same basic ideas and structure.

The simple story created in this post is Austin and Las Vegas’ urban growth 2000 – 2020. This post will be a guide starting from creating and exporting map tiles using Google Earth Engine through the creation of an Earth Project using these tiles. Being completely unaware of people’s knowledge and skills, the lack of real time meaningful feedback, and the use of multiple platforms creates many challenges for this post. My hope is that the videos and code snippets help, but feel free to reach out. You can find me on Twitter @geteach.

Lastly, the typical disclaimer. I am a high school geography teacher and not a professional developer. Hopefully this tinkering adds value to whatever you are trying to create.

Table of Contents

I. Environment / Setting

  1. Google Chrome
  2. Google Cloud Storage
  3. Earth Engine – Code Editor
  4. Image Viewer – Any should work (IrfanView – Windows)
  5. VS Code
  6. All Tutorial Files used are in this GitHub Repository
  7. Patience

II. Setup Google Cloud Storage to House Map Tiles

  1. Create a bucket for the project
  2. Create paths to store Map tiles and other assets
    • Austin/2000
    • Austin/2020
    • LV/2000
    • LV/2020
Above Video: Set up Google Cloud Storage Folders

III. Create and Export Map Data Using Earth Engine

  1. Create cloudless map layers of Landsat 7 data
  2. Using bounding box to only save map data for Austin and Las Vegas
Above Video: Creating Earth Engine Maps

  1. Export the Map Tiles to Google’s Cloud Storage
Above Video: Export Map Tiles via Earth Engine

  1. Export the Panel Images to Google’s Cloud Storage
Above Video: Create and Export Panel Images

IV. Create Google Earth Project and Folder Structure

  1. Create New Google Earth Project
  2. Create full screen splash introduction placeholder
  3. Create Folders for…
    • Austin
      • Austin 2000
      • Austin 2020
    • Las Vegas
      • Las Vegas 2000
      • Las Vegas 2020
  4. Add Tiled Maps
  5. To get folder/feature IDs – Export Project as kml
Above Video: Structure Google Earth Story

V. Programmatically Control Earth Project Folders and Features (The Secret Sauce)

  1. Export KML
  2. Create hidden div for links
  3. Create JavaScript loop to show/hide features
Above Video: The Secret Sauce

VI. Create Introduction Splash Screen (Set the Presentation)

  1. Add image, title and description to introduction screen
  2. Set the “CLICK TO EXPLORE” button
  3. Copy/paste HTML into Google Earth Project
Above Video: Edit Introduction/Splash Screen

VII. Create 1st Panel within Austin Folder

  1. Edit Carousel, Text
  2. Set Features to hide/show
Above Video: Create Austin Panel and Set Map Overlays

  1. Set “Flyto” function for Austin Panel
Above Video: Add “Flyto” Function to Austin Panel

VIII. Create 2nd Panel within Las Vegas Folder

  1. Edit Carousel, Text
  2. Set Features to hide/show
  3. Set “Flyto” function for Las Vegas Panel
Above Video: Create Las Vegas Panel

IX. Tutorial GitHub Repository UI Refresh

Swipe Right: New UI / Swipe Left: Old UI

It has been about five years since’s last UI refresh. There are several issues that have been resolved. Watching students use the site in my classroom has brought on many of these changes, but some are just me wanting to tinker around. The most significant changes center around students using touch screens on their 11.6” Chromebooks.

Other changes have to do with scrolling of panels and creating a vertical split screen mode for modern, relatively large, smarty phones and/or tablets. As always, I am a one teacher shop that can only test on the devices that teachers can afford. So hopefully the new design works for your students. If not, the old version will be hosted here for the time being.

Swipe above image: New larger and on-hover highlighted buttons

Swipe above image: “Select Map” menu has been reworked to better fit smaller screens

Swipe above image: Close Streetview icon added to panel’s header

Swipe above image: Added scrollbars to each panel to accommodate smaller screen sizes

Swipe above image: The importance of scroll bars. Allowing students to work with varying window sizes

“Layers” automatically toggles on after clicking a map set

New vertical view option which might not help a lot in landscape on a computer, but…

..pretty handy in portrait mode on my Note 8 (image above) and/or a tablet in portrait mode

**Phone viewport must be wider than 385px** and ArcGIS API

In 2012, I ran into Joseph Kerski in San Marcos at the National Council for Geographic Education conference. The site created for my students,, received an Excellence in Media award from the organization that year, and I have a distinct memory of a conversation in a small hotel room with Joseph, where he asked something along the lines of why I don’t use ESRI’s services. The truth is, I am a user and teacher of multiple GIS platforms, including QGIS, ArcGIS Online, Earth Engine, Google Earth, Google Maps, Google My Maps, and the Google Maps API. After several years of delay, I have finally started looking at ArcGIS’s JavaScript API.

First Draft

What I like..

Please note that I’ve only spent a couple of weekends working on this new draft site: However, I already have some positive first impressions. Since the loss of the Earth API, I’ve dreamed of bringing a globe back into a website. The bonus with the ArcGIS API is that users can toggle between both 2D and 3D views.

First Draft

I have mixed feelings about widgets, regardless of the service. They’ve always been nice and easy to work with, but there’s always something I’d like to change. While the compromises are minimal with the ArcGIS API, they still exist. From the documentation, it seems that a skilled developer could modify or create their own widgets. However, no high school teacher has time for that

First Draft

The basemap options are fantastic. Eventually, once I figure it out, I will add the raster pyramid tiles and geoJson vector data I use in Loading the data does not look to be difficult. Like all the version of, the menu system is going to take some time. Mashing together an API with a home grown UX takes more time than a couple of weekends for me. The basic UI framework is there. In addition, I have another former function that I would like to bring back to layers that will add some time to my development. Therefore, currently the only exploration of maps are ESRI’s basemaps….which are fantastic! Really enjoy the outline map next to a reference map!

First Draft

What I miss…

Urgh! Street View. Street View is the primary reason I have not already experimented with the ArcGIS API. I do not believe there is one time when my class is using that at least one student is not using Street View. Even if there is nothing in the activity having to do with Street View, someone has dropped Pegman into North Korea.

For this project, there are several widgets, including search, elevation, and measurements, which are easy to implement in the code. The main challenge is understanding how to start, stop, clear, and reset the widgets for both a 2D environment and a 3D world… MapView vs. SceneView.

First Draft

Similar to Street View, Google’s imagery is far better than the available basemaps—at least the ones I’ve seen—when it comes to populated areas. Cultural landscape is a huge component of my human geography high school course, and Google’s imagery is often more detailed in this regard. ESRI’s services, however, seem to offer more complex 3D scenes, though this is not a default option.

Google Maps API Left | ArcGIS Imagery Basemap Right

Using an API key is not straightforward. I’m unsure how long this draft site will work because I don’t have a ‘pay as you go’ setup as a developer. One of the reasons I’m branching out to this API is because I had to remove the search location feature from One month, I received a $300 bill from Google’s Map Platform due to their Places API, the service for map search. I avoided the charge by disabling the feature. This is where most of my uncertainty lies—I have no idea how much this API will cost as I continue developing it, nor do I know how long it will work without a key.  

As always, the primary purpose of is to provide a free site to help teachers educate and engage students using Google Geo Tools—no ads and no sign-in required. I see as a gift to the curious who find value in these sites. As I mentioned earlier, I’m a high school teacher, so I apologize that it can’t be more.

Follow me on bluesky @geteach if you are interested in project updates.

updated 12/14/2024 minor edits and replaced “Follow me on Twitter” with Bluesky

Spice up Google Earth Projects with Custom HTML

One of the most requested features I get asked about is adding narration or audio to Google Earth Projects. Recently, I was fortunate to participate in a Google for Good 2020 session were Jordon Mears and I discussed how to approach adding audio to Google Earth Projects via Earth’s custom HMTL option. (Click here to watch full presentation – Free on-demand)

Click here to watch full presentation – Free On-Demand

Thanks for those who watched the session. However, as an educator, I understand the need to offer a non-serial version and examples of our 15-minute conversation.


Code Editor: Visual Studio Code (Code editor from session)

Hosted MP3 file:

HTML Templates:

Google Earth Project Example Link (Feel free to make a copy)

Step 1: Start simple

For me, when working with HTML and Google Earth, starting with the most basic snippet, then working up, saves hours of development time.

Our inquiry begins with…Can HTML audio tag work in Google Earth Web?

Finding the simplest code example often starts with Google search, “html Audio.”  These searches often lead me to school.

From here, I will take their “Try it Yourself” snippet and replace their mp3 with one of my own.

<!DOCTYPE html>

<audio controls>
  <source src="" type="audio/mpeg">
Your browser does not support the audio element.


Copy and Paste the modified code into Google Earth Web and hear it work.

Simple HTML Audio – Google Earth Web

Step 2: Spice it up!

Now that we know the html audio tag works, we can spice up the style of the page with a little more HTML, CSS, and simple JavaScript. You can always create your own, but if you don’t have the time, feel free to use a template from this GitHub repository ( The snippet below is using the oneImageAudio.html example found in repository.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <title>Simple Audio with One Image</title>
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
        <link rel="stylesheet" href=",200,300,400,500|Roboto+Slab|Material+Icons" type="text/css" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" />
        <div id="container">
            <main class="panelMain">
                <div class="mediaContain">
                    <div class="slideshow-container">
<!--First media in Carousel--Best Image Aspect Ratio 3:2 Replace Image Source (src) bellow-->
                        <div class="mySlides fade">
                            <img class="image"src="">
                            <div class="captionDiv">
                                <div class="caption" >Replace Caption</div>
                <div class="content" id="content">
<!--Replace title text between div-->
                    <div class="title">
                        Replace title
<!--Replace mp3 source (src="youraudio.mp3")-->
                    <audio id="audioI" style="display:none" >
                        <source src="" type="audio/mpeg">
                            Your browser does not support the audio tag.
                    <span class="mdl-chip mdl-chip--contact audioPlay" style="width:85px;margin-left: 8px;">
                        <span class="mdl-chip__contact mdl-color-text--white" style="margin-right: 5px;"id="playIcon">
                            <i class="material-icons">play_arrow</i>
                        <span class="mdl-chip__text" id="playButton">Play</span>
<!--Replace text for description--Every <p> needs to have a class="text"--Any html works-->
                    <div class="description">
                        <p class="text">Replace description...If you need a new paragraph the class="text"</p>
<!--Best image height for footer is 24px with a max-width of 145px-->
<!--If you don't want the footer is it best to delete the html within the logoLeft/LogoRight Div-->
                <div class="footer">
                    <div class="logoLeft">
                        <a href="" target="_blank">
                            <img src="" >
                    <div class="logoRight" style="display:none">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script defer src=""></script>
Custom HTML Audio – Google Earth Web

There are several HTML files in the repository for you to use, modify, or recreate.  You can reach me @geteach on twitter if you need help exploring, creating, or sharing this Earth.

Read more about my Google Geo fun here: Decade of Google Geo EDU (

Or read some other Google Geo post here:

GeTeach’s Spring Cleaning – 2020

Left Canvas Electricity – Production
Right Canvas Electricity Consumption had a little spring cleaning this past week. The CIA World Factbook, along with UN’s Human Development Index, data was updated. As always, this biggest change looks to be Net Migration for Syria (Human Geography -> Demographics). Five years ago, there was a large negative flow out of Syria; now there is a relatively large inflow.

Net Migration –

There are now over 190 map layers in New layers include percentage of Improved Sanitation (Human Geography -> Society), percent of population working in Agriculture/Mining, Industry, and Service (Human Geography -> Economy), and updated Population Density map (Human Geography -> Population Density), and Median Age (Human Geography -> Demographics).

Left Canvas Agriculture/Mining (% of labor)
Right Canvas Service (% of labor)

In addition to new data, most of the thematic maps have new color gradients. Therefore, the maps, along with the legends, should be easier to process with new, more “modern”, colors.

Left Canvas Electricity – Renewable Resources (% of capacity)
Right Canvas Electricity – Nonrenewable Resources (% of capacity)

The most immediate impact on my classes will be the addition of population pyramids located with Median Age, Total Dependency Ratio, Youth Dependency Ratio, and Elderly Dependency Ratio within the Demographic dataset.

These 2018 population pyramids are being served from a CIA Factbook host, so hopefully the agency does not change there urls, but having population pyramids in the site is a dream come true for my own teaching and learning; considering much of the course I teach is based on the unequal distribution of goods, services, and people across Earth’s service.

Left Canvas Total Dependency Ratio
Right Canvas Median Age

Another change worth mentioning is the inclusion of a small source/credit tag under legends. has always had a source/credit in the description box associated with each layer, but I was never comfortable with users have to click the “I” icon at the top right of each canvas to see the source of the map or data.

Left Canvas Human Development Index 2000
Right Canvas Human Development Index 2018

There are also numerous spacing changes with the styling. I doubt anyone will notice the 3-pixel margin shifts, but as a self-described pixel snob these items were truly bugging me. It is similar to painting a house or bedroom. The painter knows all their mistakes; even though it is never noticeable to any guest.

3-Pixel Margin added to info-box.
Canvas CIA Factbook

Well back to my real job…I hope teachers and students continue to enjoy at least one of the over 18,000 correlations; developing a deeper understanding of people’s relationships with their world and each other.

If you are new to, here is a four-minute overview video of many of the functions already built into the site.