The Wizarding World (one of several map easter eggs)

Background Advanced Geography –

Over the past decade+ years, I have attempted to create and curate maps that are easy to access, compare, and share. Deciding on what map visualizations to include in has been a thoughtfully thoughtless process. Basically, during class either students or I will say, “if only we had a map for that.” That thoughtless progress has slowly created 200+ maps within Which is great for me, because I was part of the class flow that decided if a certain map is needed. In other words, it is easy for me to incorporate all 200+ maps in the courses throughout the year because the data sets originate around experiences of what I teach.

That stated, with 200+ maps, and the fact that it is not easy organizing that many visualizations, I can understand how‘s curated library can be a bit overwhelming. Therefore, below are two tables with the maps commonly used when teaching “Population and Migration Patterns and Processes” and “Industrial and Economic Development Patterns and Processes.” The maps and concepts mostly come straight from the College Board’s Human Geography Course and Exam Description. There are a couple of extra maps, to string narratives mostly around dependency ratio, movement, and population pressures.

To display a map in, click select map at the bottom right of each map canvas. The table will help you find where these maps are found in’s menu structure.

Lastly, what places should students focus on? This year my colleague suggested we use the global regions and the most populous country within those regions as our focal points. We use the Population Reference Bureau to categorize our regions. Yes, there are always outliers, but this gives the students common comparisons to make at the global and global regional scales. See below

Global RegionSubregionCountry Name
AfricaEastern AfricaEthiopia
AfricaMiddle AfricaCongo, Dem. Rep.
AfricaNorthern AfricaEgypt, Arab Rep.
AfricaSouthern AfricaSouth Africa
AfricaWestern AfricaNigeria
AmericasCentral AmericaMexico
AmericasNorthern AmericaUnited States
AmericasSouth AmericaBrazil
AsiaCentral AsiaUzbekistan
AsiaEast AsiaChina
AsiaSouth AsiaIndia
AsiaSoutheast AsiaIndonesia
AsiaWestern AsiaTurkey
EuropeEastern EuropeRussian Federation
EuropeNorthern EuropeUnited Kingdom
EuropeSouthern EuropeItaly
EuropeWestern EuropeGermany
Population Reference Bureau Regions

Analyzing “Population and Migration Patterns and Processes” –

Population Distribution

MapsPhysical or Human GeographyMap Set
Population DensityHuman GeographyPopulation Density
Earth at NightHuman GeographyEarth at Night – 2016

Population Distribution and Land Use

Maps Physical or Human Geography Map Set
Arable landHuman GeographyGeography-Land
CroplandHuman GeographyGeography-Land
PasturelandHuman GeographyGeography-Land
Food v. FeedHuman GeographyGeography-Land

Demographics – Population Composition

Maps Physical or Human Geography Map Set
Total fertility rateHuman GeographyDemographics
Crude birth rateHuman GeographyDemographics
Crude death rateHuman GeographyDemographics
Migration (net)Human GeographyDemographics
Growth rateHuman GeographyDemographics
Infant mortality rateHuman GeographyDemographics
Total dependency ratioHuman GeographyDemographics
Youth dependency ratioHuman GeographyDemographics
Elderly dependency ratioHuman GeographyDemographics

Gender Inequality Index

Map Physical or Human Geography Map Set
Gender Inequality Index (GII)Human GeographyGender Inequality

Global Human Modification (population pressure)

Map Physical or Human Geography Map Set
Global Human Modification Human GeographyAnthropocene

Analyzing “Industrial and Economic Development Patterns and Processes” –

Human Development Index

Map Physical or Human Geography Map Set
2018- HDIHuman GeographyHuman Development Index

Economic Indicators

Maps Physical or Human Geography Map Set
GDP (per capita)Human GeographyEconomy
GNI (per capita)Human GeographyEconomy
(% of labor force)
Human GeographyEconomy
Industry labor/Includes mining
(% of labor force)
Human GeographyEconomy
Service labor
(% of labor force)
Human GeographyEconomy

Health Indicators

Maps Physical or Human Geography Map Set
Infant mortality rateHuman GeographyDemographics
Life expectancyHuman GeographyDemographics
Physicians densityHuman GeographySociety

Social Indicators

Maps Physical or Human Geography Map Set
Electricity – fossil fuels
(% of Capacity)
Human GeographyEnergy
Electricity – renewable resources
(% of Capacity)
** According to source,
burning timber is renewable **
Human GeographyEnergy
Mean schooling – bothHuman GeographySociety
Gender Inequality Index (GII)Human GeographyGender Inequality

Sorry about the video music. I have an odd appreciation for YouTube’s stock music.