Thanks for making it this far. Who knows… this might be my first and last post, so I will attempt to make it adequate.
I have oscillating views about doing a blog. On one hand, I feel that after ten years of teaching using Google Geo tools and some success building the website I have something to give to an online community. On the other hand, I feel that my thoughts and ideas will be uniquely unoriginal. At the very least, I feel I can echo the incomplete ideas that run across my reality and social feeds; maybe even add some value to the conversation. This blog itself will focus on integrating teaching and geo spatial technologies (with a focus on Google Geo tools) into public education classrooms.
My educational background is not out of the ordinary for a high school teacher. I have a B.S. in Geography and a Masters of Education. My greatest professional accomplishments include teaching at one of the best high schools in Texas, a Geographic Excellence in Media award from the National Council for Geographic Education, a member of the Google Geo Teachers Advisory Board, along with creating I am a self-taught coder who loves Google Earth, Google Maps API, HTML, and GIS. This passion has given me the opportunity to present on how students can use Google Geo tools in the classroom at several Google Geo Teachers Institutes along at other events.
While I have a few ideas about future posts, if there is something you are interested in please connect via social media (icons at the top and bottom). You will also find me most Tuesday nights chatting on the twitter #worldgeochat. I hope to write about once a week, but during the school year that might be a stretch. That stated, the next post will be about and how a high school teacher with little coding experience created this little site to help teach spatial thinking.
Sneak Peak of
Upcoming Presentations:
10/01/2016 – Innovate to Elevate: TCEA Area 13 Fall Conference
10/14/2016 – 2016 Texas Council for the Social Studies Conference
02/07/2017 – TCEA 2017 Convention & Exposition: The Power of You
Please note that the thoughts and ideas stated in this blog are my own and do not represent the thoughts and ideas of my employer.
Thanks for starting this journey with me,
Josh Williams